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APECEstablished in 1998, APEC is the first company to successfully integrate the 6-inch DMOS process in Taiwan with ISO9001 certification. APEC provides total solutions for new power requirements in MOSFETs, IGBTs, and Power ICs. The company’s products are broadly applied in the computing, consumer electronics, display, communications and industrial segments. APEC distinguishes itself from the rivals by being chosen as a strategic partner of leading semiconductor firms, because of its relatively large economies of scale and the steady sales growth. APEC’s commitment to consistent quality assurance and the increased economies of scale has enhanced the company’s market position for MOSFET components in Taiwan. APEC anticipates to enlarge its domestic market share and also expand to overseas markets. The company’s revenue in 2004 reached NT$ 2.023B (US$ 65M) and a shipping volume of 525M units, with new record highs in Fall of 2005.


Established in July, 1998

HQ : Hsinchu County, Taiwan

First company to successfully integrate 6 inch DMOS and IGBT process in Taiwan

Provide total power solutions for new power requirements

Логотип: APEC



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