
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Пользователей: 144
Из них просматривают:
Аналоги: 49. Даташиты: 55. Инструкции: 1. Новости: 5. Остальное: 5. Программы: 1. Производители: 3. Профиль пользователя: 5. Теги: 8. Форум: 12.
Участников: 2
Гостей: 142

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Новые объявления

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Digi-Key — всемирно известный дистрибьютор электронных компонентов, известный своими оригинальными идеями и маркетинговыми ходами. Маркетинговая программа Digi-Key является одной из самых развитых в отрасли. Компания обеспечивает отгрузку товара в тот же день, когда он был заказан. Известна компания Digi-Key не только в США и Канаде, но и в Японии и Европе. И Digi-Key продолжает завоёвывать с каждым днём всё новые и новые рынки. Также у Digi-Key есть сильная поддержка в интернете, что позволяет компании приобретать новых клиентов.

Digi-Key Corporation is one of the fastest growing distributors of electronic components in the world.


For the past several years, Digi-Key has been the #1 ranked electronic component distributor in North America for Overall Most Preferred Distributor. This is an unprecedented achievement in electronic distribution. These ratings are based on industry surveys in which customers rate distributors' services on factors such as availability of product, speed of service, responsiveness to problems, pricing, and more.


Our top rankings in so many categories prove we are customer-driven. Our service and support systems have been specifically designed to respond to the needs of our customers. These systems are continually reviewed and modified to respond to changes as we work to achieve the "ultimate" level of customer service.

Digi-Key is unique in many ways that translate into better service for you, our customers.

  2. Authorized Distribution
    • Digi-Key is an authorized distributor of electronic components for more than 600 industry-leading suppliers. This means Digi-Key customers can rest assured that the product they order is authentic and comes to Digi-Key directly from the manufacturer.
    • In an effort to educate customers and significantly decrease the amount of counterfeit product on the market, Digi-Key gained membership in ECIA (Electronic Components Industry Association) in North America, ECSN (Electronic Component Supply Network) in the United Kingdom, and CEDA (China Electronics Distributor Alliance) in China.
  3. Breadth of Product
    • At any given time, more than 750,000 products are in stock and ready to be shipped from Digi-Key’s headquarters in Thief River Falls, Minnesota, USA. That means there are no lead times for in-stock products.
    • Having so many products in stock in our expandable distribution space of more than 800,000 square feet (74,322 square meters) allows us to ship 99% of all orders the same day they are placed. On average, Digi-Key ships nearly 13,000 orders per day.
  4. Support/Resources
    • Whether you need assistance finding the right part or recommendations for your design, Digi-Key’s Customer Service, Applications Engineering, and Technical Support teams and resources are at your disposal 24 hours a day, seven days a week via telephone, e-mail, or live web chat.
    • Additional resources include Product Training Modules, Another Geek Moment videos, TechZoneSM technology zones, PurchasingProSM, Scheme-itSM, Design Services Providers, Reference Design Library, BOM Manager, Resistor Color Code Calculator, Dynamic Catalog, white papers, datasheets, and more.
    • Digi-Key’s Production Business and Supply Chain Management services are available to help customers get their jobs done and get their products to market quickly and efficiently.

Digi-Key's website is the top-rated and most-visited website in the electronic distribution industry. Content and services we offer on our website continue to rapidly evolve, and we are committed to providing you with full access to Digi-Key's products and services through the Internet.

Логотип: Digi-Key



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То работать шприц станет лучше,некоторое количество припоя просто останутся в трубке,откуда и удалить их проще,так что при взводе шприца меньше сыпятся на плату остатки припоя из шприца.

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