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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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TranSwitch Corporation (NASDAQ: TXCC) is a leading provider of semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing segments of the consumer electronics and telecommunications markets focus on next generation multimedia over IP, HDTV and 3D-TV.

Founded in 1988, TranSwitch® is headquartered in Shelton, CT. The company designs and develops innovative silicon integrated circuits and intellectual property solutions to deliver best-in-class voice and video quality for the next generation of multimedia over IP, while providing the customer support needed for the fastest time-to-market.

Our products include:

* Integrated Intellectual Property (IP) and Integrated Circuits (IC) solutions for High-Definition Videos with TranSwitch’s patented HDP™ and AnyCable™ technology.

* High performance, low power integrated Communications-Processor-Based solutions for IP Multimedia and VoIP for both residential and SMB applications.

* Integrated Multicore processor System-on-a-Chip (SoC) and software solutions for Fixed and 3G/4G/LTE Mobile Infrastructure for carrier and enterprise convergence VoIP and Multimedia applications

Логотип: TranSwitch



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