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Раздел: EDN

EDN 11 2012г

Написал MACTEP 07.06.2012 23:00:00 (Просмотров: 14217)

Название: EDN Magazine
Издательство: Reed Elsevier Properties Inc.
Год выпуска: 2012
Номер: 11

Дата выпуска: June11
Число страниц: 60
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Язык: Английский
Размер: 20.4 Mb






9. EDN online: Join the conversation; Content; Engineering Community
10. EDN.comment: Goodbye, hard-wired switches and circuits: We'll miss you—maybe
12. Hall sensors find use in seat-positioning systems, seat-buckle switches, and wipers
14. AMD x86 notebook goes up against Intel's Ivy Bridge
14. Sensor-software library aims at accuracy
16. Tiny, low-power Wi-Fi module enables Internet of Things
16. 4.5 to 14V dc/dc modules use LDMOS to raise voltage and efficiency, shrink size
18. IBM demonstrates terahertz graphene photonics
18. Club helps you make money in the kit business
20. Buck regulators target automotive designs and more
20. Constant-current wall warts streamline LED-driver design
21. 100W-equivalent LED bulbs debut
23. Understand the digital-output options for high-speed ADCs
28. Analog: back to the future, part one
39. Coupling a supercapacitor with a small energy-harvesting source
43. When the power fails: designing for a smart meter's last gasp
47. Design an ultra-low-noise S-band amplifier
48. Simple solenoid driver is adaptable and efficient
50. Automatic night-light feeds directly from the ac line
52. Dual op amp takes absolute difference
54. Product Roundup: Power Sources
58. Tales from the Cube: Probing questions




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