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Драйверы Драйверы светодиодов : LP55281
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 07.06.2010 (2779 прочтений)

Quad RGB Driver
General Description
LP55281 is a quad RGB LED driver for handheld devices. It
can drive 4 RGB LED sets and a single fun light LED. The
boost DC-DC converter drives high current loads with high
efficiency. The RGB driver can drive individual color LEDs or
RGB LEDs powered from boost output or external supply.
Built-in audio synchronization feature allows user to synchro-
nize the fun light LED to audio inputs. The flexible SPI/I2C
interface allows easy control of LP55281. Small Micro SMD
or Micro SMDxt package together with minimum number of
external components is a best fit for handheld devices.
LP55281 has also a LED test feature, which can be used for
example in production for checking the LED connections.

■ Audio synchronization for a single fun light LED
■ 4 PWM controlled RGB LED drivers
■ High efficiency Boost DC-DC converter
■ SPI/I2C compatible interface
■ 2 addresses in I2C compatible interface
■ LED connectivity test through the serial interface
■ Small 36-bump Micro SMD (3 mm x 3 mm x 0.6 mm) or
36-bump Micro SMDxt package (3 mm x 3 mm x 0.65 mm)
■ Cellular Phones
■ PDAs, MP3 players

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