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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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The technique of interconnection in 3 dimensions of all types of components was set up at Thomson-CSF in France as of 1989.

Comparing to other existing 2-D traditional solutions, this technology allows gaining a factor of at least 10 on the weight and volume of the components.

At the end of 1995, 3D Plus Company was launched in order to manufacture cubes based on this 3D vertical interconnection concept. From this time, strong R&D activities undertaken in collaboration with leading prestigious universities and Key Reference customers, and product and services innovations allow extending and patenting the 3-D technology capability domain and products ranges.

In 1997, 3D Plus set up its High Rel. manufacturing line and its products were endorsed by Major Space Prime Contractors for Space Applications.

In 2000, the first space qualified products from 3D Plus flew in European Space Agency missions.

In 2001, 3D Plus set up a Marketing and Sales Office for North America in Mc Kinney, Texas, USA.

In 2002, 3D Plus pioneered the Wafer level stacking technology with the development of its WDoD™ process.

In 2003, 3D Plus and 3D Plus USA are ISO9001 certified.

In 2004, 3D Plus launched the Radiation Tolerant and Intelligent Memory Stack product line for Space applications.

In 2008, 3D Plus set up an adaptable and cost-optimized supply chain in Asia. It is sized to achieve a fast time-to-market for the new products, and to meet diverse ramp-up and mass manufacturing requirements of the industrial markets.

In 2009, 3D Plus released the first Rad Hard, SEL/SET Immune POL Converter for Space Applications.

In 2010, 3D Plus launched its LVDS interfaces product line for Space applications.

In 2011, 3D Plus set up a Technical Center for North America in Fremont, California, USA. Its new headquarters and space qualified manufacturing line were opened in Buc, France. Also, 3D Plus joined the Electronic Technology Group of the HEICO Corporation (NYSE:HEI.A and HEI).

In 2012, with more than 55 000 modules in Space, and with more than 13 years of Flight Heritage with no Failure, 3D Plus is recognized as the largest Space qualified catalog products and custom System-In-Packages (SiPs) manufacturer in Europe.

Логотип: 3D PLUS



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