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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Aeroflex Incorporated is a multi-faceted high technology company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets a diverse range of microelectronic and test and measurement products. Our products are in worldwide use, supporting communication systems, networks and automatic test systems.


Aeroflex's highly respected achievements in enabling broadband and wireless communications are based on a broad range of patented and proprietary technologies. We balance the quest for new and exciting innovation against the need to offer products that can be supported by high-rate manufacturing and are of the highest quality and reliability. We therefore aggressively pursue those technologies that not only provide superior product performance, but also have reached a level of maturity that ensures efficient manufacturability and good value for our customers.


Much of Aeroflex's success in the semiconductor market is attributed to its space qualified and radiation hardened products used in satellite communications. Aeroflex's cost efficient process for producing semiconductors capable of operating in the harsh environment of space has clearly demonstrated its merits and has a history of proven accomplishments. In an industry that must use trustworthy processes and vendors, we believe that we are in the enviable position of having built an unimpeachable reputation for quality and reliability while having the requisite heritage of space experience.


Aeroflex Incorporated is a global provider of high technology solutions to the aerospace, defense cellular and broadband communications markets. The company's diverse technologies allow it to design, develop, manufacture and market a broad range of test, measurement and microelectronic products. Aeroflex Incorporated, founded in 1937, is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ARX and has 2,950 employees worldwide.

Логотип: Aeroflex



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