
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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AmotechESD/EMI Solution


Amotech manufactures various types of surge protection varistors and EMI/ESD array filters for mobile devices such as mobile phones, MP3, and PDAs. Amotech has the biggest global market share in this product range and is doing the best to expand the product ranges and to improve the product quality to fulfil the every-increasing customer requirements.



AmotechANTENNA Solution

Amotech has been developing and manufacturing various types of Bluetooth, WLAN 2.4GHz antennas for mobile and automotive industries with its own material and antenna design technology, Amotech is expanding the scope of the Antenna solutions for growing wireless communication industries through its systematic R&D roadmap. Therefore we recently have developed internal FM antenna and WWAN Main antenna for portable device like cellular phone and Laptop.
AMOTECH BLDC motor technologies show the superior properties in many application fields such as drum washing machine, automatic washing machine, high efficiencies in electric waterpump motorand high power blower  fan motor and radiator cooling fans in Hybrid, Fuel cell electric vehicles. There are several application categories of AMOTECH brushless DC motors.
Логотип: Amotech



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