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Founded in 1967 by Hugh A. Hair and Carl W. Gerst Jr. as a supplier of microwave components and subassemblies to the defense electronics market, today's Anaren is a major innovator of standard products and custom microwave and RF technology. With five facilities worldwide, our company is organized into two operating groups, each one targeting a major industry sector:

Space & Defense Group -- supports prime space and defense contractors:
      > Anaren Microwave, Inc. (E. Syracuse, NY)
      > MS Kennedy Corp. Subsidiary (Liverpool, NY)
      > Unicircuit, Inc. (Littleton, CO)
Wireless Group -- supports wireless infrastructure and consumer electronics OEMs:
      > Anaren Microwave, Inc. (E. Syracuse, NY)
      > Anaren Ceramics, Inc. (Salem, NH)
      > Anaren Communications (Suzhou, China)

Our products are the result of innovative engineering, design, materials processing, and world-class volume manufacturing -- and have in common our core competency in high-frequency electronics. Anaren's custom products are sold directly to OEMs, whereas our standard components are sold/serviced through our worldwide network of technical field-sales representatives and quality stocking distributors.

Логотип: Anaren



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