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API Delevan

API Delevan Inc – это лидер продаж в такой сфере, как производство индукторов, дросселей и трансформаторов. Сейчас очень трудно найти продукцию в этой области, которая была бы качественней продукции API Delevan Inc. Поскольку объем продаж очень большой, компания еще в 1994 году утвердила то, что теперь продукция будет приготовлена согласно самым высоким стандартам. Это очень трудно, но, все же, данный факт можно подтвердить таким документом, как аккредитацией MIL-PRF-39010.


У компании API Delevan Inc существует двадцать четыре дистрибьютора в различных странах мира, благодаря которым совершаются продажи товаров в больших объемах. С помощью этого, API Delevan Inc достиг признания клиентов различных национальностей. Больше информации вы можете найти на официальном сайте компании

API Delevan


EAST AURORA, N.Y., May 01, 2012 – API Delevan, a world class manufacturer and designer of magnetic components for RF and power applications, announced today that it has achieved the highest reliability level in the world’s magnetics industry by earning Level “S” Reliability rating to the ER (Established Reliability) MIL-PRF-39010 Specification for Radio Frequency Coils (Inductors) by the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, formerly DSCC.
“Today is a prestigious and rewarding day for the API Delevan team, and marks a major milestone for our industry,” said Kevin R. Heffler, General Manager of API Delevan. “With over 300 million test unit hours logged in our high reliability environmental test lab, we continue to Define Reliability as a core strategy of our business, providing superior value to our customers and continuously improving our own internal process controls.”  MIL-PRF-39010 is the standard specification for critical applications commonly used in military, aerospace and defense inductors. MIL-PRF-39010 categorizes “S” level as its highest and most reliable rating, that is achieved through extended life testing of products at full rated current and temperature, representing a 10x improvement of reliability rating than previously available.

API Delevan’s “S” level achievement conforms to the specification sheets MIL-PRF-39010 /01, /02, /03, /04, /05, /06, and /08, and includes the full range of shielded and unshielded wire wound molded designs in phenolic (non-magnetic), powdered iron, and ferrite core materials. Inductance values range from 0.10µH to 1,000µH, and operating temperatures from -55°C to +125°C.

Qualification to “S” level represents the most reliable off the shelf inductors offered in the industry for use in high reliability applications, including communication systems, radar systems, guidance systems, fire control  systems, avionics and space.  All components are made in the USA with full engineering support to assist with your application, design, assembly and circuit testing needs.  

API Delevan, an ISO9001:2008 & AS9100:2004 certified company offers the world’s largest selection of magnetics, including industry standard devices, circuit solution devices and application specific devices.

Логотип: API Delevan



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