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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Arizona Microtek

Arizona MicrotekArizona Microtek is a manufacturer of high speed integrated circuits for the global frequency control and communication markets as well as mixed-signal ASIC designs. Our success is built upon our staff and their relentless focus on delivering our customers high quality and high performance products with technical support and service that is unparalleled in the industry. Arizona Microtek products are developed by listening and engaging with our range of global customers and providing them with solutions that produce competitive advantages.

Actively designing high speed LVPECL, LVDS and CMOS oscillator products in the frequency control and communication markets, Arizona Microtek is continually looking forward in expanding its range of products. In the midst of the global communication revolution, Arizona Microtek is well poised to provide the technological solutions of tomorrow’s world with the experience, expertise and dedication of its staff. Additionally, Arizona Microtek seeks strategic, long-term partnerships with its customers by assisting throughout the initial design, development and manufacturing processes.

Логотип: Arizona Microtek



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