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BEL Fuse

<div id="post-4"><h1></h1><div><p>Bel and its divisions are primarily engaged in the design, manufacture, and sale of products used in networking, telecommunications, high-speed data transmission, commercial aerospace, military, transportation, and consumer electronics.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Products include magnetics (discrete components, power transformers and MagJack<sup>®</sup> connectors with integrated magnetics), modules (DC-DC converters and AC-DC power supplies, integrated analog front‑end modules and custom designs), circuit protection (miniature, micro and surface mount fuses) and interconnect devices (micro, circular and filtered D‑Sub connectors, fiber optic connectors, passive jacks, plugs and high‑speed cable assemblies).&nbsp; The Company operates facilities around the world.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>With over 60 years in the electronics industry, Bel has reliably demonstrated the ability to succeed in a variety of product areas across multiple industries.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Company has a strong track record of technical innovation working with the engineering teams of market leaders.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div><p>Bel has consistently proven itself a valuable supplier to the foremost companies in its chosen industries by developing cost-effective solutions for the challenges of new product development.&nbsp;&nbsp;By combining our strength in product design with our own specially-designed manufacturing facilities, Bel has established itself as a formidable competitor on a global basis.</p></div>
Логотип: BEL Fuse



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