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Robert Bosch GmbH (произносится: Ро́берт Бош ГмбХ) — немецкая компания, ведущий мировой поставщик технологий и услуг в области автомобильных и промышленных технологий, потребительских товаров, строительных и упаковочных технологий.

Компания была основана немецким предпринимателем и инженером Робертом Бошем в 1886 году. Главный офис компании расположена в городе Герлинген, Германия, недалеко от Штутгарта.

В 2013 году компания Bosch вложила в научные исследования и разработки более 4,5 млрд евро, а также подала заявки на получение свыше 5 000 патентов по всему миру. Около 280 000 сотрудников обеспечили в 2013 финансовом году объём продаж в 46,1 млрд евро.

В группу компаний Bosch входят Robert Bosch GmbH и более 360 дочерних предприятий и региональных компаний приблизительно в 50 странах. Вместе с партнерами в сфере продаж и обслуживания компания Bosch представлена почти в 150 странах.



С 1 июля 2012 г. председателем правления является Фолькмар Деннер (Volkmar Denner).




Robert Bosch GmbH (About this sound pronunciation (help·info)), or Bosch, is a German multinational engineering and electronics company headquartered in Gerlingen, near Stuttgart, Germany. It is the world's largest supplier of automotive components measured by 2011 revenues. The company was founded by Robert Bosch in Stuttgart in 1886.

Bosch's core products are automotive components (including brakes, controls, electrical drives, electronics, fuel systems, generators, starter motors and steering systems), industrial products (including drives and controls, packaging technology and consumer goods) and building products (including household appliances, power tools, security systems and thermotechnology).

Bosch has more than 350 subsidiaries across over 60 countries and its products are sold in around 150 countries. Bosch employs around 306,000 people and had revenues of approximately €52.5 billion in 2012. In 2012 it invested around €4.8 billion in research and development and applied for around 4,800 patents worldwide. In 2009 Bosch was the leader in terms of numbers of patents at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (GPTO) with 3,213 patents.

However, Bosch continued to extend its international footprint through company acquisitions and investments in new plants, and will continue along with this path in 2013. For example, the Bosch Group is planning to set up a manufacturing site for automotive windshield-wiper systems near Belgrade, Serbia. By 2019 some 70 million euros will be invested. Construction work was set to begin in early 2012, with production due to commence at the start of 2013. Initially, some 60 associates will work in manufacturing operations with a floor area of around 22,000 square meters. By 2019 the number of associates is set to rise to some 620. Its objectives are to achieve a better increase in sales than in 2012 and to improve result significantly.

Логотип: BOSCH



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