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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Our Products

BRUSH is the largest independent manufacturer of turbogenerators in the world, combining the resources of three major manufacturers of generators for gas turbine and steam turbine drive

With manufacturing plants in the UK, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic, and customers from across the world, BRUSH Turbogenerators is a truly global presence. Each of these three plants has been designated as a Centre of Excellence for the design and manufacture of high voltage generators, synchronous motors and power management systems.

The resources of these three plants enable BRUSH to offer its customers an unrivalled production capability for their current needs – and to prepare for the changing demands of customers into the future. The plants currently lead the way in the manufacture and servicing of electrical equipment for industrial, marine and offshore applications, and are pioneering new developments with extensive state-of-the-art research and development facilities.


Our proven solution for electrical equipment packages includes:

  • Salient pole DG 4-pole turbogenerators up to 65MVA for gas turbine and steam turbine drive.
  • Air cooled DAX 2-pole turbogenerators up to 250MVA for gas turbine and steam turbine drive.
  • Hydrogen and hydrogen / water cooled 2-pole turbogenerators up to 1100MVA for gas turbine and steam turbine drive.
  • Power management and excitation control equipment.
  • Comprehensive "round the clock" service capability, including the repair of any make of electrical machine.
  • Refurbishment of salient pole multi-pole generators up to 355MVA for hydro turbine drive.

The markets we serve


Utility & Industrial Power

BRUSH provides a complete electrical service to all sectors of the power industry. From a product portfolio encompassing generators for base load or intermittent duty, synchronous motors and power management systems, BRUSH can provide equipment and services to meet the most demanding specifications.


Oil & Gas

BRUSH are renowned for the kind of robust yet versatile designs of generators and motors well suited to the harsh operating environments encountered at oil and gas installations, both onshore and offshore anywhere. This has led to BRUSH gaining an excellent reputation as a world class independent rotating machines specialist to this demanding market sector.


Aftermarket Support

BRUSH services its products, located worldwide in a variety of environments, with a comprehensive Aftermarket Support network. Capabilities include installation and commissioning, maintenance, inspections, field repairs, factory repairs, replacements parts, upgrades & modifications and customer training. These services are supported by the BRUSH manufacturing facilities based in Europe as well as technical and sales resources located in North America, Middle East and Asia.


Our people       

BRUSH work hard to provide ambitious and rewarding careers for employees who are essential to the success of the business. BRUSH believe it is the employees' personal performance, team work and positive attitude which help to create top-class customer service that set BRUSH apart from the competition.

Логотип: BRUSH



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