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Chiplus Semiconductor

Chiplus Semiconductor Corp. ( Chiplus in short ) is a technology-leading IC design house that is devoted to the design and development of green chips - High Speed Super Low Power SRAM & LED driver ICs, and committed to provide the best products, services and solutions to our global customers.

Established in 2002 in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Chiplus started the design, manufacture and marketing of High Speed Super Low Power SRAM Memory products with unsurpassed reliability. We take great pride in our products have earned the certification & trust from famous makers of industrial/consuming instruments in the Japan, EU, USA and Pan-Pacific Asia areas.

To meet and fulfill customer requirements with extensive product specification, we are working continuously to strengthen our design and manufacturing technologies while creating outstanding products required in a new era and high level electronic applications. Meanwhile, Chiplus is building up a globally international customer service and logistic network that assures soonest & efficient service and distribution.

Логотип: Chiplus Semiconductor



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