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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Comset Semiconductors

Comset Semiconductors



Comset Semiconductors came into existence with a gap widened by major manufacturers such as Philips when they began discontinuing production of part of their transistors catalog.


Comset Semiconductors identified a growing number of unfulfilled demands coming from various industries such as transportation, medical, telecom and security.


Amongst them, customers manufacturing embedded electronics equipment or operating in the rail industry wanted to be assured that production and delivery of transistors would remain regular year by year, so that their own production would remain secure.


To bridge that gap, Comset Semiconductors began to extend the life cycle of mature but still useful and most popular types of devices, true to the specifications of the original, avoiding the expense of costly redesigns.

Логотип: Comset Semiconductors



Храните микросхемы в упаковке, обеспечивающей закорачивание их выводов, например, завернутыми в алюминиевую фольгу.
При переноске не касайтесь выводов микросхемы, берите за корпус, иначе ваше статическое электричество может повредить микросхему.

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