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Cypress Semiconductor Corporation — производитель широкого ассортимента полупроводников, комплектующих для генераторного оборудования, микросхем памяти (в том числе для сетевых технологий), USB и Bluetooth устройств и контроллеров.
Сегодня Cypress Semiconductor Corporation — один из мировых лидеров в оптоэлектронике. Её продукция используется в машиностроении, при производстве компьютерной техники, в других видах промышленности.
Качество продукции Cypress Semiconductor Corporation признано мировой общественностью, продукция компании соответствует промышленным стандартам VoIP, InfiniBand и Gigabit Ethernet, SONET и SDH. Также устройства Cypress Semiconductor Corporation получали немало премий и наград , в том числе награду журнала Automotive Engineering International "Top Product of the Year" в 2005, награду журнала EDN "100 Hot Products" в 2005BEA Systems' Liquid Portal Award, награда журнала Business Ethics "100 Best Corporate Citizens" в 2005 году.

CypressCompany Profile

Cypress delivers high-performance, mixed-signal, programmable solutions that provide customers with rapid time-to-market and exceptional system value. Cypress offerings include the flagship PSoC 1, PSoC 3, and PSoC 5 programmable system-on-chip families and derivatives, CapSense touch sensing and TrueTouch solutions for touchscreens. Cypress is the world leader in USB controllers, including the high-performance West Bridge solution that enhances connectivity and performance in multimedia handsets, PCs and tablets. Cypress is also the world leader in SRAM memories. Cypress serves numerous markets including consumer, mobile handsets, computation, data communications, automotive, industrial and military. Cypress trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol CY. For more information view the Cypress Semiconductor corporate fact sheet.

From the CEO

As founder, president and CEO of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, T.J. Rodgers has written and spoken extensively on issues of importance to Cypress and the semiconductor industry, including the role of stock options in driving technology innovation and aligning employees with corporate business objectives; the continued viability of the H-1B visa program, which provides high-tech companies with an influx of skilled engineering talent, increasing the competitive advantage of U.S. technology companies; the role of outsourcing in job creation for U.S. workers; and the flaws and inconsistencies of GAAP accounting relative to semiconductor-industry-standard proforma accounting. Rodgers has testified before Congress five times. His treatises and opinion pieces have appeared in a wide variety of publications, including The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Harvard Business Review and The San Francisco Chronicle.
Логотип: Cypress



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