
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Пользователей: 76
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Аналоги: 35. Даташиты: 11. Инструкции: 4. Новости: 4. Остальное: 2. Производители: 2. Профиль пользователя: 1. Расчёты: 3. Теги: 2. Форум: 12.
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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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EXICON is short for “EXcellence In SemiCONductors” and was founded in 1993 to design and manufacture high performance power semiconductors for audio. The first products produced were the ECF10N16 and ECF10P16 and these were an instant hit; assisted by Hitachi stopping production of the popular 2SJ50 and 2SK135 S type MOSFETs. These were quickly followed by the ECF10N20 and ECF10P20 higher voltage versions, replacing the now obsolete 2SJ56 and 2SK176.

The ECF10N20 and ECF10P20 remain popular today, as are the more familiar TO247 plastic versions, and higher power dual die TO264 and TO3 versions.

EXICON listen to and understand what their customers require and continually develop refinements to meet their customers needs.

Логотип: EXICON



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