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Пользователей: 127
Из них просматривают:
Аналоги: 25. Даташиты: 12. Инструкции: 3. Новости: 17. Остальное: 23. Программы: 2. Производители: 29. Профиль пользователя: 1. Расчёты: 1. Теги: 10. Форум: 3. Чат: 1.
Участников: 1
Гостей: 126

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Frontier Electronics


FrontierWho is Frontier Electronics Corporation?

Custom manufacturing and distribution of chokes, coils, transformers, diodes and assemblies is our passion. We are global pioneers in the electronic component design arena, providing products and services throughout the world.

Our customer/client base includes many high-profile OEM’s. Newer smaller companies are also among our customer list. Watching them grow and prosper, and knowing we contributed to that success, is very rewarding.

We first opened our doors in 1972. Since then we have expanded greatly. Our operations are worldwide with manufacturing sites throughout Asia and the United States.

Proudly, we provide great pricing, the ability to meet high demand, flexible release schedules, top-notch engineering/design services and a very friendly Sales Team.

So, who is Frontier? We are the supplier you can depend on to meet your needs!


FrontierWith a wealth of engineering ingenuity, a team-oriented environment and a vast reservoir of talented employees, we proudly maintain the following pledge to all our customers:

Competitive pricing

On-time delivery

Extensive technical support and project design assistance

Quality without compromise

State of-the-art manufacturing

Prototypes available

Extra savings on high-volume

ISO 9001:2008 & ISO TS 16949 Certification

Логотип: Frontier Electronics



Выходные каскады УНЧ бывают разных типов и не всегда есть возможность осуществить первое включение без оконечного каскада. В этом случае возможна замена низкоомных токоизмерительных резисторов на номиналы 5-10 Ом.

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