
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Fusetek is a true leader in electrical circuit protection providing knowledge and experience along with top ranking products. In business for over 35 years, this Canadian owned & run family business has grown to become the third largest fuse supplier in the country working with a wide network of electrical distributors.


What has been the key to this success? Knowledge, Service, Solutions

All our technical staff have fuse or motor control backgrounds making them highly qualified to discuss your applicatons with confidence. We offer educational programs in the latest circuit protection technology such as 'Arc-Flash" training. We provide on-site instruction seminars for both our distributors and their customers. These often take the form of "Lunch & Learn" sessions where we provide the meal and educate your personnel in an informal setting, during or after working hours.

We offer software that takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of fuse component selection. This remarkably versatile software is able to select fuse ratings for motors, transformers and capacitor circuits, as well as compare fuse types and ratings, identify imported and non-standard fuses and cross reference part numbers so as to reduce inventory.


We confidently lay claim to having unmatched customer service. Actually our customers and suppliers tell us this and we have the awards to prove it!

Fusetek was awarded 2nd place in the top supplier list for IED (Independent

Electrical Distributors) and placed in the top 5 with AD (Affiliated Distributors).

We focus on providing our customers with real solutions to their circuit protection needs. The fuse world can be a confusing place littered with countless product duplications, obsolete or unsafe components. We clear the air, so to speak, by offering a no cost Fuse Audit Program aimed at eliminating both needless inventory duplication and replacing obsolete components with safer modern equivalents. A 30% real reduction in required inventory is typical for most plants. This translates into 10's of thousands of dollars in a medium to large sized plant. Ask us about our MRO, Contractor and Distributor programs.


We have carefully selected the best suppliers in our industry and brought them on board with us. Our international lineup of products represents not only the biggest, but also the best. They are the innovators and leaders in electrical circuit proteciton that pioneered landmark fuse features like indicators and solid state circuitry.

And....we have these fuses in stock, ready to ship to you same day! For superior products, Knowledge, Service and Solutions, it's FUSETEK !

Логотип: FUSETEK



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