HTAi is the global scientific and professional society for all those who produce, use, or encounter HTA. HTAi embraces all stakeholders, including researchers, agencies, policymakers, industry, academia, health service providers, and patients/consumers, and acts as a neutral forum for collaboration and the sharing of information and expertise. With members from 59 countries and six continents, HTAi is a thriving global network.
HTAi is actively committed to international collaboration, and has signed formal Memoranda of Understanding with the World Health Organization and the International Network of Agencies for HTA (INAHTA). From time to time, HTAi takes part in external initiatives in collaboration with other organizations. The Board of Directors may designate members to represent the society on external initiatives, and interested members encouraged to contact the HTAi Secretariat.
This website contains further information on membership and activities. Browse the top menu for a full overview of HTAi's work.