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Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (IDT) – основанная в 1980 году американская компания, крупный производитель микросхем для систем связи и телекоммуникаций.



Integrated Device Technology, Inc., founded in 1980, delivers system-level innovations that optimize customers’ applications and enrich the end-user experience. Over the years, IDT’s customer base has demanded that the industry reevaluate mixed-signal integrated circuit products — IDT rose to accept that challenge.


IDT continues to build on its No. 1 positions in timing, serial switching and memory interfaces to expand its mixed-signal content in Communications, Computing and Consumer applications, driven by three major market drivers including cloud computing, consumer mobility and 4G/LTE. The company’s product portfolio has become a fusion of analog and system expertise as well as traditional digital competencies, providing customers with complete application-optimized mixed-signal solutions. The IDT 30+ year heritage and innovation in digital technologies, coupled with its in-house analog talents and capabilities, make IDT the premier analog and digital company.  

Headquartered in San Jose, California, IDT has design, manufacturing and sales facilities throughout the world. IDT stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Stock Market® under the symbol “IDTI.”

Логотип: IDT



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