Kingbright – основанная в 1980 году на Тайване компания, занимается производством светодиодов и связанных с ними продукции. Kingbright располагает разветвленной сетью торговых представительств по всему миру. Производственные мощности позволяют выпускать 300 млн. SMD-светодиодов, 200 млн. сквозных светодиодных ламп, и 7 млн. светодиодных дисплеев в месяц. Доказательством успеха компании служит 30-летний неуклонный рост прибыли и объемов продаж по всему миру
Kingbright is a professional supplier of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and related products. We have been a steadily growing force in solid-state lighting ever since the company was founded in Taiwan in 1980. For more than 30 years, Kingbright has delivered product and technological innovations to benefit customers around the world.
Kingbright is located in Taipei, Taiwan. To provide the fastest and best quality services, we have sales channels almost all around the world. With the help of 6 SIGMA and ERP systems, we are capable of producing more than 300 million SMD LEDs, 200 million thru-hole LED lamps, and 7 million LED displays per month.
The measure of Kingbright's success is the strong growth in sales revenue and the global expansion in sales coverage over the past 30 years, as Kingbright's superb products and attentive customer service continue to attract customers worldwide. Kingbright will keep working to provide the best innovations and services in LED related fields.