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LEDtronics was founded in 1983 by Pervaiz Lodhie and Almas Lodhie as a small two-person manufacturing organization. The company is certified as a Minority-Owned Small Business and has grown into one of the world’s leading suppliers of innovative LED lamps, clusters and arrays. The company now employs 300 people and has sales representatives world-wide. Since 1983 LEDtronics has been the leader in designing and manufacturing environmentally friendly low power usage, long life LED bulbs and LED lamps as direct replace to incandescent bulbs. We satisfy our customers by delivering LED lighting solutions and products of consistently high quality within the agreed price and schedule. We also strive to exceed our customer’s expectations in terms of responsiveness with new designs to meet their future lighting requirements.

One of LEDtronics distinguishing characteristics is the depth of our focus on the customer's mission in the broadest context. We not only respond to current requirements, but we also anticipate their emerging needs.

LEDtronics has dedicated itself to supplying the industry with LED lamps that will meet the demanding needs of firms, who want to lower power usage, increase lamp life, reduce maintenance costs and have the services of an innovative lamp designer available to them.

At LEDtronics we pride ourselves on being known as the world's leading supplier of innovative direct incandescent replacement LED Bulbs, lamps, clusters and arrays. As you are aware, energy conservation and lowered electrical costs have become a way of life in the 21st century. Our rugged LED's last 100,000 hours, over ten years, which greatly reduces maintenance and replacement costs because LEDs are virtually immune to shock and vibration. Our LED bulbs use a fraction of the electricity (LED lamps use 80% to 90% less energy then the incandescent lamps they replace) necessary to light an incandescent bulb; they significantly reduce power consumption to help achieve energy conservation goals. LED bulbs also remain cool so there is no excessive heat buildup, which can influence building air conditioning costs.

Whether it be our based LED bulbs, or low cost snap-in and relampable panel mount LED lamps, high intensity sunlight visible discrete LED's, PCB mount LED indicators, SMT LED's, full spectrum RGB LED's or UV and Infrared LED's, we have them all. LEDtronics catalogs and website is packed with direct incandescent replacement LED bulbs and lamps, available in a wide range of bulb types, bases, styles and sizes.

Our inventive product line encompasses an array of direct incandescent lamp replacement Based LED bulbs and lamps for every traditional market to emerging lighting markets from industrial facilities, utilities, maintenance-intensive lighting applications such as traffic lights to gaming/ casinos, elevator and industrial controls, automotive, architects, interior designers and lighting professionals, telecommunications, data communications, medical, military and every market in-between, LEDtronics has products that will not only meet your requirements but will save you operating dollars.

Логотип: LEDtronics



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