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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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MDE Semiconductor




MDE Semiconductor, Inc. is an innovative, quality oriented device manufacturer with a Single Minded Focus on Circuit Protection Products. Our Transient Voltage Suppression
(TVS) Devices are designed specifically for the protection of electronic systems from the
destructive effects of Lightning,
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NEMP), and Inductive Switching. All silicon devices are constructed with our famous low leakage glass passivation process with high-energy absorption capability from 400 watts up to 288,000 watts.
The Company’s dedication and innovation provide high quality, low cost products delivered on time. With our focus on TVS, we have extensive knowledge of requirements covering a wide range of markets including
telecom, automotive, computer, and industrial electronics. MDE Semiconductor, Inc. is a market leader in Circuit Protection Products and offers customers a broad range of Standard and High Current TVS Diodes, Thyristors, and Varistors.

Our manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001:2008 Compliant. Competitiveness is achieved through process innovation and investment in the latest automated test and assembly solutions. This approach has enhanced our ability to produce high quality Circuit Protection Products, on time, at competitive prices.

Логотип: MDE Semiconductor



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