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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Nanya Technology aims to be the best memory solution provider. The company position itself as a stable and trustworthy company. For nearly 20 years, Nanya has dedicated enormous amount of resources by collaborating with customers and partners to technologies and products developments that provides long-term value for its customer’s success.

Nanya is actively developing broadest portfolio of memory solutions – in products ranging from 128Mb to 8Gb memory products of consumer memory and low power memory. Consumer memory is embedded into various specialty applications such as digital TVs, Set top box (STB), Networking, Blu-ray DVD, DSC, Automotive, Industrial products and Tablets. With the growing demand of mobile devices, Nanya also manufactures a variety of low power memory products that will meet this trend.
As the only Taiwan based brand DRAM manufacturer, Nanya Technology leveraged its experiences in advanced technology development and integrated its recourses in R&D to focus on the consumer and low power products development. Nanya expects to achieve the new horizon on its new business model by applying advanced technology node, 30nm, and remain 42nm/50nm for particular specialty customers and further implementing 20nm to meet the most stringent demands and requirements from every consumer market segments.

Nanya Technology prides on providing quality products and services to customers by increasing market values and to further create the Win-Win solution with customers.

Логотип: NANYA



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