Oki Semiconductor – японская компания, производитель полупроводников, была основана в 2008 году, отделившись от Oki Electric Industry Co. Основные виды продукции OKI SEMICONDUCTOR: разработка, производство и реализация больших интегральных микросхем (БИС), логические БИС, высокоскоростные оптические приборы коммуникации. В 2006 году OKI SEMICONDUCTOR и Oki Electric Industry представили свою разработку – ML7222. Микросхема содержит встроенную поддержку стека протоколов CompXs ZigBee, имеет уровень энергопотребления на 50% меньше, чем у аналогов (потребляемый ток – 24 мА в режиме передачи, 26 мА – в режиме приема). Данная микросхема разработана для пользовательских приложений.
Founded in 1881, Meikosha, Ltd. was the forerunner of today's OKI and Japan's first telecommunications equipment manufacturer. Meikosha's success came from the company's "enterprising spirit" to attempt to become the first domestic manufacturer of telephones only five years after Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in 1876.
Underpinned by this "enterprising spirit," which has been nurtured and passed down throughout the Company's long history, OKI has developed and provided a succession of products that have contributed to the development of today's information society. Always in the vanguard of technology innovation, OKI began selling computers containing Japan's first domestically developed core memories, developed the world's first cash-recycling automated teller machine (ATM} that recycles deposited bills as funds for withdrawals, and introduced the first Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) system to the Japanese market.
As a company that supports social infrastructure! development both in Japan and overseas, OKI is quick to grasp and incorporate the needs of the market into the development of products that satisfy customers to contribute to the development of information society. Guided by its brand statement, "Open up your dreams," OKI will diligently strive to achieve the dreams and hopes of stakeholders, to become the preferred global partner of choice and achieve continuous growth.