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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Omnirel (-> International Rectifier) Company Overview
Omnirel LLC specializes in the development of power semiconductor modules and components, particularly emphasizing Radiation Tolerant, DSCC Standardized Military Drawings, MIL-PRF-19500, QML, JTX, and JTXV Products . Omnirel also offers a broad range of Hi-Reliability packages for the Industrial market and can offer custom packaging and development of commercial die into more robust packaging configurations. Omnirel was acquired by International Rectifier in January, 2000. International Rectifier was founded in Los Angeles in August 1947 to manufacture Selenium rectifiers. IR was one of the first companies to commercialize Germanium rectifiers in 1954, and the first to introduce commercial zener diodes and solar cells in 1958. Today, we're the only company in the world to design and manufacture solutions addressing the entire power conversion process that transforms crude electricity into clean, usable power. International Rectifier is delivering enabling power technology to the automotive, consumer, computer/peripheral, industrial, lighting, telecom and government/space industries.

Логотип: Omnirel



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Случайные новости

[25.10.2011] Радиоконструктор
Журнал Радиоконструктор №8 2011
[20.02.2011] Радиосхема
Журнал Радиосхема №03-2010
[05.02.2009] Контроллеры
Генератор на PIC16F84A и AD9850
[23.09.2008] Для дома и быта
[08.09.2008] Радио приколы
Человечек с "сопротивлением"
[08.09.2008] Источники питания
Импульсный блок питания