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Pacific Display Devices

Pacific Display Devices



Pacific Display Devices was founded in 1992 by a group of engineers looking toward supplying not only quality LCD components, but also quality engineering and product support.  With manufacturing facilities in in Taiwan and China, Pacific Display Devices offers a broad range of standard and custom LCD Glass and LCD Modules. In addition to those LCD products, we can also provide extensive and complete solutions, like turnkey product development and manufacturing.

Pacific Display Devices' capabilities are standard board fabrication and assembly, COB (chip-on-board), chip-on-flex, chip-on-film, COG (chip-on-glass) and TAB (Tape Automated Bonding). However, we work proactively to develop new technologies to fulfill our clients' needs.

Character LCD Module and LCD Glass ProductsOur products are sold primarily to manufacturers and distributors in a diverse and growing range of industries, including manufacturers of communication products, computers and computer-related products, computer networking equipment, industrial equipment, navigation, transportation, instrumentation and medical equipment.

Our customers vary in size and industry as well as in the services they require. Today, Pacific Display Devices offers an array of services, LCD Glass, and LCD Module products to help our customers improve their bottom lines and time to achieve objectives.

To find out more about what high performance means to us, visit our Products section.

Логотип: Pacific Display Devices



Для выпаивания микросхем в DIP корпусе пользуюсь проверенной технологией . Которая дает неплохие результаты , сохраняя при этом как микросхему так и дорожки печатной платы .

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