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Аналоги: 57. Даташиты: 70. Инструкции: 1. Новости: 2. Остальное: 2. Программы: 3. Производители: 1. Профиль пользователя: 2. Форум: 22.
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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



Новые объявления

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Pericom Semiconductor Corporation – основанная в 1990 году американская компания, производитель цифровых и смешанных ИС, микросхем логических интерфейсов, коммуникационных разработок, коммутаторов, мостов, осциллографов и т.д. Лидер рынка в области быстродействующих аналоговых полупроводниковых технологий.



We are a fast-growing semiconductor company specializing in integrated connectivity, advanced timing, and signal integrity solutions for the computing, communications, and consumer market segments. Our technology offers system design solutions to the challenges presented by high-bandwidth, high-speed serial protocols. Pericom was founded in San Jose in 1990 by Alex Hui and John Hui, where the company has thrived and grown to over 900 employees worldwide with design centers in North America (where our headquarters are located) and Asia; our technical and sales support offices are located around the globe. Pericom is listed on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol PSEM.

What makes us different from the competition?We are dedicated to providing solutions that enable better, faster and more reliable signal connectivity. This focus has produced our broad protfolio of silicon-based ICs, quartz crystals and crystal oscillators, fully integrated and compatible for maximizing the potential of high-speed signals.
Our elegant one-chip solutions:

  • Replace expensive multiple-chip designs
  • Eliminate expensive cable
  • Allow for maximum flexibility
  • Increase system reliablity
  • Shorten development time and costs
Логотип: Pericom



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