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Precid-Dip Durtal

PRECI-DIP packs unequaled expertise into cutting-edge interconnect components. Advanced designs, top materials and incomparable Swiss precision developed by men and women driven by passion and know-how.


Key data for one of the world's leading producers of screw-machined contacts: 25'000 m², more than 20'000 different products, R&D supported by state-of-the-art CAD systems and 3D projections. Our company meets with standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, EN 9100 and MIL-Standard 790.


Precision tools and contact assembly machines are developed, designed and produced by PRECI-DIP experts. Our manufacturing process is completely integrated with a vertical production structure. From raw material to the finished product, each step is under control of PRECI-DIP.


PRECI-DIP is a world leading company in the manufacture of high-reliable spring-loaded contacts that are used in many different fields of the industry. Another of our successful line is the Mil/Aero contacts made in accordance with the stringent aerospace standards and used in aircrafts, missiles, helicopters, and may other sensitive applications.


PRECI-DIP has developed 300 high-speed turning machines producing precision contacts made of various copper alloys with a total capacity of over 150 million pieces/week.

Custom design products are developed in close partnership with our customer. With our long experience, knowledge and expertise, we will develop the right product to fit your application and meet your requirements.


Expertise, qualifications and commitment for high output, flexibility and customer orientation. Our team is dedicated to study your needs, propose options, and develop solutions for your applications.

Логотип: Precid-Dip Durtal



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