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Recom International Power



A success story for 40 years

Over the past 20 years, it has become common practice to purchase DC/DC converters as a finished module. This applies to all segments of the electronics industry, including industrial automation, transportation engineering, telecommunications, data technology, measurement technology, and medical electronics. Even for very large production runs, it’s rarely worthwhile for a company to develop their own DC/DC converter, particularly in view of the stringent international standards that apply nowadays. At Recom, when it comes to power conversion, we’ve always been very attentive to our customers’ needs and wishes, and have invested millions over the past decade in product development, growing our quality assurance lab, and expanding the scope of our worldwide distribution activities.This means we’re close by to our customers’ production facilities around the globe, offering the most reliable products available on today’s market ... with top-notch support – and, of course, competitive prices.

An impressive product portfolio

Our customers have at their disposal today what is probably the largest selection of converters on the market, including DC/DC and AC/DC converters in all output powers up to 60 watts; plus a broad range of switching regulators and LED drivers. Some of our innovative solutions such as the R-78 switching regulator have long since become industry standards. This is tacitly confirmed by the fact that the R-78 has been copied by many of our competitors. None came close - rely on the “original”- it pays dividends. If you need a tailored solution, our product engineers will be more than happy to help and support you.

Our partners

Our customers expect the best from us worldwide – and they get it: the best quality, top-notch innovations, and superb after-sales service and support. That’s why we offer our customers proprietary production facilities that meet the highest international standards, a network of dealers who provide sound advice, a global distribution network, and worldwide product availability. We’re globally positioned because we know that our customers want us to be there wherever they need us.

Логотип: Recom International Power



Контактные щетки для микродеталей, электробритв и т.п. можно выпилить из графитовых стержней от старых батареек питания.

Случайные новости

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