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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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ROHM Semiconductor – основанная в 1958 году японская компания, один из крупнейших в мире производителей полупроводников. Ассортимент продукции компании очень широк и включает в себя около 25 функциональных групп: микросхемы для обработки звука и изображения, микросхемы ASICS и EEPROM, транзисторы, большую группу стандартных аналоговых компонентов, супервизоры, драйверы дисплеев, драйверы электродвигателей, микросхемы для коммуникаций, разнообразные датчики, ЖКИ и светодиодные матрицы, свето – и лазерные диоды, термопечатающие головки и миниатюрные видеокамеры и многое другое.




"R" represents the first letter of our original main product, Resistors. This was put together with the unit for resistance " ohm". The "R" now also stands for "Reliability". "Quality First" is ROHM's corporate policy.

Company Mission

Quality is our top priority at all times. Our objective is to contribute to the advancement and progress of our culture through a consistent supply, under all circumstances, of high quality products in large volumes to the global market.


Management Policy

Secure reasonable profit through a concerted company-wide effort for a comprehensive quality assurance program.
Develop globally leading products by improving upon technologies held by each department for continued advancement of the company.
Maintain healthy and vigorous lifestyles and refine intellect and humanitarianism, hence contributing to society.
Search extensively for capable human resources and cultivate them as cornerstones for building long-term prosperity.


Quality Assurance Policy

  1. Promote internal standardization for the whole company and establish structures for QC management by data.
  2. Conduct comprehensive and continuous research for the development of new technologies and products.
  3. Proactively utilize methods of statistical control for all areas of company activities.
  4. Establish quality assurance structures for all manufacturing processes.
  5. Exert effort for cost reductions of each product by continual modernization of manufacturing systems.
  6. Secure quality assurance programs of raw materials and components with our suppliers through contracts.

Goals for Education and Training

  1. Develop personnel at all levels to constantly strive to obtain new knowledge and to acquire empirical reasoning ability from a broad perspective.
  2. Train staff to be dedicated as leaders in their field by utilizing their knowledge and experience.
  3. Develop personnel who can overcome any adversity and strive towards achieving targets.
  4. Train staff to place the highest value on teamwork, resulting from the combined efforts of all individuals.

Policy for Education and Training

  1. All employees will use every available opportunity to enhance self-development.
  2. Those in leadership positions will exemplify model behavior at all times.
  3. The emphasis of education is on-the-job training led by the supervisors through daily operations. Supplementary training off the job is also provided.
  4. Each head of all management levels will appraise staff fairly and conduct effective training programs periodically and consistently.
  5. Appraisals for each head of all management levels is based, as a general rule, on the success of staff education and training.
Логотип: Rohm



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