Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (SEM) – японская компания, производитель широкого ассортимента преобразователей питания. Ассортимент продукции включает преобразователи и регуляторы постоянного тока (DC/DC), мостовые выпрямители, выпрямители Шоттки, импульсные преобразователи, регуляторы и контроллеры, стабилитроны.
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Company Ltd. is a world leader in the manufacture of switching power supply equipment for more than 50 years.
The company develop and manufacture a host of products related to power conversion, including AC/DC power supplies, power semiconductors, DC/DC converters, unterruptible power systems, static inverters and solenoids. Shindengen products are used by quality-minded customers throughout Asia, Europe and North America in markets as diverse as automotive, computer factory automation, industrial control, office automation, power supply, process control and telecommunications.