Since 2004 Shinwha Intertek has developed a full-scale optical film business which gradually increases sales every year. Now Shinwha Intertek Is the leading display film producer. My deepest gratitude goes to our employees, shareholders, and customers who have supported the company to reach the top In such a short period of time.
Shinwha Intertek endeavors to become the best International company In the optical film business. The following will be promoted to achieve this goal.
First, using the basis of expanding sales and diversification of customers, we will concentrate on "stabilization of sales" through excellent products and active marketing promotion.
Second, we Will carry out "efficient management" by financial structuring to maximize sales and profits, expansion of many talented employees suitable for global management, and cooperation with overseas corporations.
Third, we will not be satisfied with being the leading company for light diffusion film and the lens film market but we will continue to endeavor to produce and create "new technology" based on leading technologies and various products.
Fourth, we will become the best "total solution provider In the coating business" with the following technology as our basis—light diffusion pattern design, polymer formulation technology, precision film technology and light diffusion film.
Shareholders and customers, Shinwha Intertek Corporation endeavors to become the best In the world with a strong sense of duty and a definite goal to be true to the name.
I would like to ask you to continue to support us and watch the company grow.