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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a collection of products according to system development, IC design and marketing company in one of the semiconductor industry. IC design company based in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Europe, supplemented by marketing, to seek the best integration of technical and sales point, mutual promotion and expansion of the existing sales market and provide customers with the most satisfactory services.

      After years of market research and technology development, our products include full-custom commissioned to design ASIC; 8-Bit MCU with EMBEDDED Flash; USB control IC; game peripheral control IC; camera control IC; hand tools IC; mouse; mouse button sets Etc.

      Among them, the company offers the only comprehensive and professional traditional camera control IC.

      Also include hand tools IC: with a variety of detection modes; LED & LCD multi display mode; direct drive Buzer alarm indication; low-voltage automatic alarm indication; built-in DC-DC module; multiple keys control mode; can provide data interface Communication with the MCU to complete a number of features

      Division I game peripheral product development, there are PS2 wired and wireless controller; PS3 wired and wireless controller; SONY game controller made to open and so on.

      Our model also provides the public and the private touch the mouse mouse, mouse button to set the development.

Логотип: SinoLite



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