SIWARD , one of the world's leading providers of crystal and oscillator solutions.
In response to the ever-growing demand for global telecommunications, SIWARD was formed in 1988. We are one of the world leading manufacturers in crystals and oscillators industry. Our product range is from synthetic quartz to module. State-of-the-art technology and professional RD teams are our strength. We are able to supply product mix, such as X'tal series、 OSC series、TCXO series、VCXO series and VCTCXO by mass production to provide customers with high efficiency solutions.
The applications are Mobile Communication、Tablet PC、GPS、Computer Clocks、DSC、AV Machine…etc. Our goal is to satisfy our customers' needs throughout our global operations spreading across Taiwan, Mainland China, Japan, Singapore, the United States, and Europe. SIWARD'S core competitiveness not only solves your crystal applications problem, but also supports you to be a leading company in the industry. We are not only deliver the best crystal companies, but also deliver commitment to you with complete satisfaction. We would like to build a partnership with our customers because we believe Together We is Better.
Innovative MEMS Technologies
SIWARD is able to grasp the development mainstream of the electronic products keenly and dedicated to developing the miniaturized, high-frequency and optoelectronic products to keep pace with the Japanese competitors. To utilitize the MEMS technology on TF SMD Crystal manufacture process, and so as to expand the market scale and raise the profitability .
By means of advanced technology, SIWARD is devoted to providing its customers with innovative, high value-added product portfolios. Its full series of production lines are flexibly employed to develop all kinds of crystal component applications, ensuring the Company to stay one step ahead with business opportunities secured and synergies achieved.