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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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United Chemi-Con

United Chemi-Con, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Chemi-Con, was established in the United States in 1970. The company is the largest manufacturer and supplier of aluminum electrolytic capacitors in North America, with more than 8,000 unique products available.


United Chemi-Con is headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois  (Change to Rolling Meadows, Illinois), with manufacturing and warehouse facilities located in Brea, California (Change to Buena Park, California). and Lansing, North Carolina. This, combined with our sales, service and field engineering support throughout the country, ensure customers are met with a superior level of customer service.


To suit the industry’s ever-changing needs, United Chemi-Con is continuously developing and introducing an array of new products. Additionally, our environmental policy ensures environmental allegiance in all areas of operation: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Логотип: United Chemi-Con



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