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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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uPI (Micro Power Intellect), founded in 2005, designs, develops and markets commodity and proprietary analog and mixed-signal power management semiconductors for the computing, storage, networking and consumer markets. uPI core products provide integrated circuits that transform, deliver, regulate, and monitor, power to digital circuits.\


Our company vision is to provide power management solutions of superior quality and performance with special attention to customer specific applications and cost sensitivities.


Customer confidence has enabled rapid market adoption of our products. We are delivering high volume, cost effective solutions to major companies in desktop, notebook, graphics, and networking & communication fields.


IDM Strategic Supply  ─
Our alliance with PSC (Powerchip Semiconductor Corporation) and its spin-off 8" foundry Maxchip Electronics, located in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan, makes uPI the first Asia Integrated Device Manufacturing (IDM) company. Maxchip provides true partnership preferential access to their advanced analog and high-voltage process as well as guaranteed wafer supply. This provides uPI all the benefits of being "fabless" while at the same time having a "fab like" guaranteed supply chain.


ASE Group  ─
In partnership with this world-class assembly & testing house, uPI receives strong backend support and stable quality for all uPI product offerings.


Core Principles  ─
The uPI team consists of seasoned professionals and experts in IC device and system design engineering, manufacturing, operations, marketing and quality.  As a result uPI has built a solid IC product foundation with broad technology coverage, including motor drivers, audio amplifiers, clock synthesizers, human interface sensors, and advance power management solutions for computing, mobility, networking, and display applications.

Business is personal, and uPI has received customer recognition for quick-response in terms of application service, high volume delivery, and a broad product base that enables the ability to provide both standard and, feature rich customized solutions.

Логотип: UPI



Во время поиска небольших радиодеталей, упавших со стола, вероятность их обнаружения прямо пропорциональна размеру детали и обратно пропорциональна их значению для завершения работы

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