USAR Systems
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There's been a fire in your office's building. No severe damage but the building will be closed for at least 2 weeks. How long will you remain in business if your customers can't reach you? What happens if your phone stops ringing or there's no one in the building to answer it? Can critical employees send and receive e-mail without power? Will your company be able to function during a pandemic? Are critical parts of your operations dependent on paper or other information locked inside your office?
Ensuring that you have access to your customers, employees, vendors, and data during and after a power failure, fire, flood, or other problem is not a simple matter. You need expertise in everything from telecommunications (alternative communications with customers, employees, and regulators), data back-up and recovery to regulatory compliance (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley, EFA, HIPAA, 21 CFR 11, FFIEC, GASB 34). USAR Systems can help you to prioritize your most critical needs and implement systems to meet them.