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Аналоги: 104. Даташиты: 43. Инструкции: 3. Новости: 5. Остальное: 4. Программы: 3. Производители: 1. Профиль пользователя: 4. Расчёты: 1. Форум: 9.
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Гостей: 175

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Western Design Center

The Western Design Center, Inc. (WDC) Founded in 1978 by William D. Mensch, Jr., WDC has licensed its 65xx brand microprocessor Intellectual Property (IP/Cores) to the electronics industry since 1981. WDC is considered a pioneer in the design and licensing of microprocessor technology Intellectual Property (IP) cores and inspired Acorn engineers to create the wildly popular ARMxx series of microprocessors. GTE, Rockwell, MOS Technology, Synertek and NCR were some of WDC’s first licensees. In addition, WDC began selling 65xx brand microprocessor chips to Apple Computer in 1984 making it the first supplier of microprocessors as a fabless semiconductor company.

Логотип: Western Design Center



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