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Zowie Technology Corporation


ZOWIE Technology Corporation founded in1994 is  a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced   discrete semiconductor products.

 The  inaugurators, Ding-Hua Hu and George Tai are the well-known leaders in the semiconductor field in Taiwan. Since there is no new significant progress in diode products for more than 20 years they decided to endeavor their efforts to this industry with innovation and futurity.

So they established Zowie Technology Corporation to develop new technology in order to supply better and new diodes for the industrial. The leaders, George Tai who has about thirty years experience in the rectifier engineering field and Harrison Chung who is expert on I.C. package technology and fine ceramic materials, lead a team of professional researchers to improve the traditional diodes.
ZOWIE Technology Corporation
It is Zowie’s goal to develop “the Next Generation Diodes”. Zowie’s technological experts put 4 years efforts in researching and developing the new products. Finally, Zowie succeed. The new product—GPRC (Glass Passivated Rectifier Chip) successfully went through the first tryout in 1995 and then it officially marketed in 1998. At the same time, the new package technologies—SCD (SuperChip Diode), the first chip diode of the world, will be available at the Q2 of 2001.

All the products of Zowie are the world’s first leading technology through its own newly constructive design, manufacturing and superior materials. Up to now, Zowie has received numerous worldwide patents, including Taiwan, U.S.A., Mainland China, the U.K. and Japan.

Логотип: Zowie Technology Corporation



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