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Аналоговые микросхемы ОУ : MC34071, MC34072, MC34074, MC33071, MC33072, MC33074
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 19.03.2010 (5428 прочтений)

Single Supply 3.0 V to 44 V Operational Amplifiers
Quality bipolar fabrication with innovative design concepts are employed for the MC33071/72/74, MC34071/72/74 series of monolithic operational amplifiers. This series of operational amplifiers offer 4.5 MIIz of gain bandwidth product, 13 V/fis slew rate and fast settling time without the use of JFET device technology. Although this series can be operated from split supplies, it is particularly suited for single supply operation, since the common mode input voltage range includes ground potential (Vhh)- With a Darlington input stage, this series exhibits high input resistance, low input offset voltage and high gain. The all NPN output stage, characterized by no deadband crossover distortion and large output voltage swing, provides high capacitance drive capability, excellent phase and gain margins, low open loop high frequency output impedance and symmetrical source/sink AC frequency response.
The MC33071/72/74, MC34071/72/74 series of devices are available in standard or prime performance (A Suffix) grades and are specified over the commercial, industrial/vehicular or military temperature ranges. The complete series of single, dual and quad operational amplifiers are available in plastic DIP, SOIC, QFN and TSSOP surface mount packages.

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