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Драйверы Драйверы светодиодов : ZXSC300
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 26.09.2010 (3743 прочтений)


The ZXSC300 is a single or multi cell LED driver designed for applications where step-up voltage conversion from very low input voltages is required. These applications mainly operate from single 1.5V or 1.2V battery cells. The circuit generates constant current pulses that are ideal for driving single or multiple LED'sovera wide range of operating voltages.
The ZXSC300 is a PFM controller 1С that drives an external Zetex switching transistor with a very low saturation resistance. These transistors are the best switching devices available for this type of switching conversion enabling high efficiency conversion with input voltages below 1 volt. The drive output of the ZXSC controller generates a dynamic drive signal for the switching transistor.
The circuit can start up under full load and operates down to an input voltage of 0.8 volts. The solution configuration ensures optimum efficiency over a wide range of load currents, several circuit configurations are possible depending on battery life versus brightness considerations.
The ZXSC300 is offered in the SOT23-5 package which, when combined with a SOT23 switching transistor, generates a high efficiency small size circuit solution. The 1С and discrete combination offers the ultimate cost vs performance solution for single cell LED driving applications.

• 94% efficiency
• Minimum operating input voltage 0.8V
• Fixed output current
• Low saturation voltage switching transistor
• SOT23-5 package

• LED flashlights and torches
• LED backlights
• White LED driving
• Multiple LED driving
• Solar Equipment

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