Отправил MACTEP.Дата добавления 30.04.2011 (2076 прочтений)
2.3 V memory module temperature sensor
Features ■ STTS3000 is a 2.3 V memory module temperature sensor forward compatible with JEDEC standard TS3000 and backward compatible with STTS424 ■ Operating temperature range: - -40°Cto+125°C ■ Single supply voltage: 2.3 V to 3.6 V ■ Temperature sensor resolution: programmable (9-12 bits) 0.25 °C (typ)/LSB - (10-bit) default ■ Temperature sensor accuracy (max): - ± 1 °C from +75 °C to +95 °C - ± 2 °C from +40 °C to +125 °C - ±3°Cfrom-40oCto+125°C ■ ADC conversion time: 125 ms (max) at default resolution (10-bit) ■ Typical operating supply current: 160 pA ■ Temperature hysteresis selectable set points from:0, 1.5,3, 6.0 °C ■ Two-wire SMBus/l2C - compatible serial interface ■ Supports up to 400 kHz transfer rate ■ Does not initiate clock stretching ■ Supports SMBus timeout 25 ms - 35 ms ■ Spike suppression filters on the two-wire bus inputs ■ Voltage hysteresis per l2C specs on the two-wire bus inputs