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Преобразователи, стабилизаторы : IRAC27951SR
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 07.11.2013 (2461 прочтений)

The IRS2795(1,2) is an 8 pin, high-voltage, double-ended controller specific for the resonant half-bridge
topology. It provides 50% complementary duty cycle; the high-side and the low-side devices are driven 180°
out-of-phase for exactly the same time. The IC incorporates additional protection features for robust operation
and provides a high performance solution while minimizing external components and printed circuit board area.
The IC enables the designer to externally program all the following features using a 2 pin oscillator - operating
frequency range (minimum and maximum frequency), startup frequency, dead time, soft-start time and sleep
mode. Each of these functions are programmed as follows –
The minimum frequency is programmed using RT and CT.
The dead time is programmed using CT.
RSS and CSS program the converter soft-start time.
RSS//RT and CT program the converter start-up frequency.
The converter maximum frequency is set by (Rmax//RT) and CT.
Sleep mode is initiated by pulling the CT/SD to COM.

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Выходные каскады УНЧ бывают разных типов и не всегда есть возможность осуществить первое включение без оконечного каскада. В этом случае возможна замена низкоомных токоизмерительных резисторов на номиналы 5-10 Ом.