
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Пользователей: 231
Из них просматривают:
Аналоги: 124. Видео: 1. Галерея: 2. Даташиты: 54. Инструкции: 1. Новости: 7. Программы: 2. Производители: 1. Профиль пользователя: 1. Расчёты: 1. Форум: 36. Чат: 1.
Участников: 3
Гостей: 228

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Hitachi Metals

Hitachi Metals is a materials manufacturer that has gained distinction for its high-quality technology and outstanding development capabilities. In the century since its beginnings in 1910 as the Tobata Foundry Co., Hitachi Metals has endeavored to contribute to society and practice quality-based management.
Our quality-based management philosophy is directly linked with the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), a link we will continue to nurture.
Looking ahead, we will continue to develop and evolve in harmony with each era and to pursue mutual prosperity and growth with our customers, shareholders, business partners, employees and the local communities that we strive to serve.
As expressed by the "Materials Magic" communications symbol, Hitachi Metals remains true to the path it has taken as a manufacturer based in materials development. Our nine business units—high-grade specialty steels, rolls, cutting tools, magnets, components for information and telecommunication equipment, soft magnetic materials, casting components for automobiles, piping components and construction components—service a wide cross section of industries, including in the automobile, electronics and industrial infrastructure areas. The Group strives to address the needs of its customers by providing truly original products while contributing to environmental protection.
Accordingly, this website is designed to provide a link to Hitachi Metals and a better understanding of the Group's efforts to help fulfill the dreams and aspirations of all stakeholders. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Логотип: Hitachi Metals



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Случайные новости

[16.11.2013] Nuts And Volts
Nuts and Volts №11 2013
[20.11.2012] Prakticka Elektronika
Prakticka Elektronika №10 2012
[13.10.2011] Радиоаматор
Радиоаматор №8 2011г
[10.02.2010] Радиолюбитель
Журнал Радиолюбитель №2 2010г
[10.12.2009] Радио приколы
[06.10.2009] Радиолюбительская технология
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