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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Origin is a top 20 ASX listed company involved in gas exploration and production, power generation and energy retailing.

Origin is the leading Australian integrated energy company. Being integrated, Origin has diverse operations spanning across the energy supply chain; from gas exploration and production to power generation and energy retailing.

In Australia, Origin has 4.3 million customer accounts and is the largest energy retailer. Origin also has significant power generation capacity and is responsible for around 13 per cent of Australia's electricity generation.1

Through a 37.5 per cent interest in Australia Pacific LNG, Origin is developing Australia's largest coal seam gas (CSG) to liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. Located in Queensland and based on Australia’s largest CSG reserves and resources, Australia Pacific LNG will play an important role in delivering cleaner sources of energy to Asia.

Origin has a strong focus on ensuring the sustainability of its operations, is the largest green energy retailer in Australia and has significant investments in renewable energy technologies.

Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in the S&P/ASX20, Origin employs approximately 6,000 people and has a long history of operating in Australia.

Origin is headquartered in Sydney, NSW.

Логотип: Origin



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