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Аналоговые микросхемы Регуляторы : MAX5492
Отправил an. Дата добавления 25.09.2009 (1486 прочтений)

10kΩ Precision-Matched Resistor-Divider in SOT23

The MAX5492 precision resistor-divider consists of two accurately matched resistors with access to the ends and center of the divider. This device offers excellent resistance matching of 0.035% (A grade), 0.05% (B grade), and 0.1% (C grade). The MAX5492 includes an extremely low-resistance-ratio temperature drift of 1.5ppm/°C (typ) over -55°C to +125°C, and has an endto- end resistance of 10kΩ. Resistance ratios from 1:1 to 10:1 are available. Five standard ratios are available (see Table 1), and custom ratios are also available upon request. To enhance device and system robustness, the MAX5492 features ±2kV Human Body Model electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection to ensure against realworld ESD events. The MAX5492 is ideal for precision gain-setting applications where tight resistance matching and low temperature drift are necessary.
The MAX5492 is available in a space-saving 5-pin SOT23 package, and is guaranteed over the military -55°C to +125°C temperature range.

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