Отправил MACTEP.Дата добавления 07.12.2010 (3628 прочтений)
2.5А POWER SWITCHING REGULATOR ■ 2.5AOUTPUT CURRENT ■ 5.1V TO 40V OPUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE ■ PRECISE (± 2 ON-CHIP REFERENCE ■ HIGH SWITCHING FREQUENCY ■ VERY HIGH EFFICIENCY (UP TO 90 ■ VERY FEW EXTERNAL COMPONENTS ■ SOFT START ■ INTERNAL LIMITING CURRENT ■ THERMAL SHUTDOWN DESCRIPTION The L4960 is a monolithic power switching regulator delivering 2.5A at a voltage variable from 5V to 40V in step down configuration. Features of the device include current limiting, soft start, thermal protection and 0 to 100% duty cycle for continuous operation mode. The L4960 is mounted in a Heptawattplastic power package and requires very few external components. Efficient operation at switching frequencies up to 150KHz allows a reduction in the size and cost of external filter components.
Во время поиска небольших радиодеталей, упавших со стола, вероятность их обнаружения прямо пропорциональна размеру детали и обратно пропорциональна их значению для завершения работы